Back to school is around the corner and the question is "Are you ready?" I am not talking about the kid's back to school list, or the uniforms or new clothes for them. I bet you were on top of it and all you are waiting is for the first day of school to start to snap that picture! My question is: "Are you ready with your plan for the NO-KIDS or MINIMAL-KID DAY?" That's the important question! Do you have your favorite coffee beans at home, or maybe it's your favorite MERLOT? Nobody is judging here, trust me! But you have worked so hard to have the first day of school go flawless so I think you should plan something for yourself. Coffee? Wine? Read a book uninterrupted? Breakfast date with your BFF? MANI/PEDI or both? Massage? A morning run? Or just simply do all your errands kid-free? You did it, you got your kid/s out to school and now it's a bit of ME TIME. To help you commemorate that day I have found a few products at The Shoppe that are perfect for all the different occasions.