We almost left w/o having the U/S done. The doc had to do a procedure on someone and they were running about 30-45 mins late on all the appts. Plus in addition to that he has a tiny waiting room and it was soooo crowded, I have a problem w/ being sandwiched between people while I wait for my appt on top I was STARVING.... ok I have deviated from the important thing....
well we get into the office, I take my pants and underwear off and my dh is asking me what the hell was I doing... too funny.... I told him it was an internal U/S because baby is too small to see any other way... well dh is looking like a tomatoe at this point... (MEN!) the technician enters the room and she starts the U/S. She showed us the lil' flashing light, of course dh is so excited that he get the technician all excited and she starts showing him our tiny peanut to him in all possible angles she can (please remember this is an internal U/S)... about 10 mins into it I couldn't contain myself anylonger and asked her to remove the probe from my va-gy-gy... (on a very Bailey voice from Gray's anatomy). The technician said the heatbeat was really really strong, which is really really good.... yipeeee.... 6 weeks down 34 more to go!!!!